VDL Wientjes Roden

VDL Wientjes Roden is a company with around 65 employees based in Roden (the Netherlands) that develops, produces and assembles thermoplastic plastic products for a wide range of markets and in close co-operation with its customers.

The production consisting of one single product is sometimes started up during the development phase, while series of 50 to 4,000 items can be produced during the production phase. By making use of various technologies, we are able to produce a range of sizes, and anything from simple to complex technical and viewing products.

VDL Wientjes Roden is characterised by a flat and open organisational structure, with enthusiastic employees who invariably put the customer first. Our employees are skilful and have plenty of experience in the development and production of synthetic products. This is one of the reasons why we are able to respond quickly and with expertise to your queries regarding the latest developments in raw materials and processing technology, or on how the various production technologies can be best combined.

In addition, we are also ISO 9001 en UL certified.

VDL Wientjes Roden in het kort:

  • Thermoplastische kunststofproducten
  • Eigen ontwikkelafdeling
  • Vacuümvormen
  • Verspaning
  • CNC-(na)bewerking
  • Lassen en lijmen
  • Assemblage
  • Systeemleverancier
  • Flexibel
  • Innovatief
  • Oog voor het milieu
  • ISO 9001
  • UL Moulder